Retrospecting BlogMeet at BloggerBhela

On November 4, twenty Nepali bloggers met at a hall of Capital FM in what was named a Blogger Bhela and organized as an introduction programs of Nepali bloggers in Kathmandu.

It was indeed a unique opportunity for me to get introduced to so many new bloggers; and even the gathering of the bloggers made me feel good. It was not only because it reminded me of four BlogMeet that was organized around 2007 with similar purpose but also because I believe that this meeting will lead to many other meetings and hopefully a few events about blogging.

Among those 20 bloggers, only three of us had attended BlogMeet in 2007 – me, Kamal Kumar and Bhoj Raj Dahal.

I received the invitation for the meeting in Facebook and immediately accepted it – thanks to Dilip Acharya, Basanta Gautam, Aakar, Jotare Dhaiba and Roopesh Shrestha for the initiation. I talked it with K P Dhungana of Hamroblog and we decided to attend it and see (he was also one of the men behind the BlogMeet but he could not attend the meeting this time due to traffic jam).

We wanted to ‘attend and see’ for he didn’t have good experience attending an online bloggers meet organized by where when he talked about BLOGAN (Bloggers Association of Nepal – an unregistered loose network of bloggers formed as an outcome of BlogMeet), there are harsh comments. (After Blogger Bhela, Bhoj Raj of NepalDiary told me the same thing, and also that he only attended for he saw a few names from old BlogMeet confirming the attendance).

Our decision behind attending this time was for two reasons: first and foremost, we always wanted bloggers to be united and our presence will be helpful; second, we wanted to share our experience with BlogMeet so that bloggers could move forward from where we left (due to various reasons).

The Blogger Bhela turned out to be a very fruitful one. I talked frankly about all those things and shared experience; Basanta Gautam gave a short overview of Nepali blogging scenario; Saurav Dhakal / Kamal Kumar and many other talked about way forward. There were talks about making blogs and blogging popular using mainstream media.

We all decided to meet again, more formally and in bigger number, on December 18.

Just before I invite all the bloggers and interested people to the Dec 18 meet (we all have to pay for our breakfast and lunch), I want to make clear a point that I also raised during the meeting: no matter what and how you write or how many people read your blog, if you write frequently (may be once a month or once every three months), we all are bloggers. Every blogger invited!

Let’s make Nepali blogoshpere vibrant!

Participants: 1. Aakar Anil (, 2. Alankar Aryal ( 3. Bhoj Raj Dahal (, 4. Surath Giri (, 5. Rupesh Shrestha (, 6. Ujjwal Acharya (, 7. Saurav Dhakal (, 8. Kamal Kumar (, 9. Dilip Acharya (, 10. Kailash Rai (, 11. Jotare Dhaiba (, 12. Sweta Baniya (, 13. Prabesh Poudel (, 14. Manoj K.C (, 15. Saroj Koirala (, 16. Basanta Gautam (, 17. Sujan Sharma (, 18. Pushpa Raj Acharya (, 19. Sabin Gyanwali ( & 20. Pradeep Bashyal (

The Best Blog Meet! So Far

By Jitendra Raj Bajracharya

Twenty-four! The number is certainly not very big, but whenever I look at the attendence of the Blog Meet IV and saw that 24 bloggers attended the April 21 gathering, I feel great. Not only because it was double than the biggest previous meeting, but because the discussion today led us to a new direction.

The most motivating factor was participation of Buddhi Narayan Shrestha, the border issue expert, who will surely prove a big motivator for all bloggers and six female bloggers.

Everybody agreed that we need a formal structure, although there was hot discussion whether is should be registered or not. Going through self-nomination process, KP Dhungana, Ghanshyam Ojha, Deepak Adhikari, Ram Prasad Dahal, Bishnu Dhakal, Rajendra Biswokarma, Avinashi Paudel, Mohd Tajim and Tapas Barsimha Thapa became the members of the working committee while I nominated Umesh Shrestha.

For now, until the formal structure is made, I will be co-ordinating the working committee. Thanks all for approving me for the responsibility.

The other major decision made today include giving kick-start to book publication. KP Dhungana will be co-ordinating the work while all of us agreed to help him by writing what he will ask for. All the bloggers will write their blogging experience (either English or Nepali), Deepak will write a chapter on Nepali Blogging History, I will write the chapter on international trend on blogging while Salik Shah and Mohd Tajim will write a practical guidelines of using and WordPress respectively. Continue reading…

April 21: Lets Make It a Big Day

The Bloggers Meet for the month of Baisakh has been scheduled for April 21, 2007 (Baisakh 8, 2064). Please note that the meeting day in the second Saturday of the month, not the first as we usually used to meet. The first Saturday of the month is the first day of the New Year 2064 and I believe that is more for celebration than meeting.

In earlier meetings, we were around a dozen every time. That’s was not much encouraging and since many bloggers are saying they were not informed, I hope that this early information will work some magic and then we will be there in good numbers for a fresh start in new year.

I am also hoping that this meeting will not only be the biggest but also the most important than the previous meetings. In previous meetings, we talked about various aspects of Bloggers Association of Nepal (BLOGAN) and we (including KP Dhungana, Deepak Adhikari, Mohd Tajim and Umesh Shrestha – with whom I have talked about it) believe that this is now the right time to give a kick start (that is if we all bloggers want).

I hope that this time we will finalize the mission statement and take decisions on formal formation of BLOGAN and its future plans among other topics.

So, I request all the bloggers who are in Kathmandu to set aside that day for the sake of BLOGAN and please, please join us. We haven’t yet finalized the venue for the Freedom Forum we are using for meetings may be a little small if you all decide to join.

You can confirm your participation using the comments on this blog, or by mailing at

Welcome to all the bloggers!

All About Blog Meet III

The Blog Meet III looked like a failure to the few who reached the venue at the scheduled time. The earlier two meetings had attracted exactly 12 bloggers each time – though there were changed faces. On Saturday, when I reached the Freedom Forum, there were only three – Deepak, Rosha and Tajim; and it was already a few minutes past noon.

After some minutes, RP Dahal joined us – for the first time. And, KP Dhungana as usual said when I called him that he was ready to be scolded but was making to the venue in a few minutes.

I had a list of bloggers who informed me they couldn’t attend (the ISL) and then it was James Gomez, whom I had invited in the meeting, who called me saying that he was nearby. James, who is a Singaporean politician/writer/blogger, is in Nepal for his professional work and since we had been friends since meeting in Manila and Seoul, I invited him.

As he was coming, I asked Utshab, who was working in his office nearby, to come for half-an-hour, and he did it. Ghanshyam Khadka also made it. Tapas too arrived despite having family function as his home and that made 10 of us.

James talked about his own personal life and how he raised his profile. He started from his family background, writing on book called Shame of Singapore (on the self-censorship of the Singaporean press) and then moving to politics and all.

Then he suggested a few ideas for moving BLOGAN ahead including the writing an research based report on blogging history of Nepal (so that some foreigners can’t come to study blogs and mis-interpret) and then possibility of blog growth (in terms of number and role as the media) in coming years due to the political situation of Nepal.

It was indeed wonderful listening to James and we all appreciated his ideas for BLOGAN.

And, there were of course our regular talks about updates and all. We, after much discussion, agreed that it’s better for us to move ahead with a formal, registered organization rather than remaining a loose network. The idea was basically based on our future plans as we found that we won’t be able to work on the plans like conference and trainings.

And, we also talked on having very clear agenda and aims. KP took the responsibility of formulating the first draft for discussion (which will be sent to all Nepali bloggers and posted at NepaliVoices soon). Then there was issue of membership; I took the responsibility of drafting the membership criteria for discussion.

Then we also decided that to move forward on the web-hosting services. Initially, we have been offered the space of 25MB, top-level domain registration and pre-installed WordPress along with a number of themes and plugins for Rs. 2500 per year. All of us agreed it was cheaper and then we are moving ahead with the plan. It will be soon finalized.

Despite having a great meeting, something that we all felt pessimistic was the number of bloggers attending. Probably also because I only sent invitation on Friday, next time I will send invitation a few days earlier. The next meeting is of course the first Saturday of Baisakh, same venue same time.

Post about the Blog Meet III by other bloggers
Utshab Pokhrel
Deepak Adhikari
RP Dahal

Blog Meet III

James Gomez speaks during the Blog Meet

James Gomez, a Singaporean blogger visiting Nepal for his professional work, was the guest of honor in the third meeting of Bloggers’ Association of Nepal (BLOGAN). He talked about his experience in blogging, the situation in Singapore, and suggested a few ideas to move BLOGAN forward. Continue reading…

Nepali Blogger Threatened

Umesh Shrestha, the blogger behind hugely popular, has been threatened of ‘action within 24 hours if he publishes anything that directly or indirectly supports Maoists or terrorists’.

An email with subject line reading ‘last information’ by Maoists Defense Group, an anti-Maoists group not known so far, has threatened him. Bloggers Association of Nepal (BLOGAN) and strongly condemn the threat and ask the who-so-ever behind it to let all the bloggers enjoy the ‘freedom of expression’. Continue reading…

Revisiting Bloggers Meet II

If you want yourself to be different, then write differently so that people can enjoy you. And, its more true for us, the bloggers, when we write about the same event. The Bloggers Meet II held on Feb 17 at Freedom Forum was attended by 12 bloggers and some of them, and other, wrote about it – all in different, thus joyful to read, way.

Here is the list and links to those blog entries:

KP Dhungana in (in Nepali)

Has the summary of the decisions (so that we won’t forget it all)

  1. Holding an international bloggers conference within a year
  2. Awarding the best blog in 2008 evaluating all the blogs from 2007
  3. Holding trainings to empower bloggers with technical knowledge
  4. Publishing a book about blogging in Nepali

Although he calls in ambitious, he is optimistic that it could be fulfilled.

Deepak Adhikari in Deepak’s Diary

“…there emerged plans, agendas and more importantly the “can-do” attitude. Plans aside, what impressed me was Nepali bloggers’ willingness to interact. The meeting was not over even after it’s conclusion was announced. The best part for me was my trysts with hitherto invisible or barely visible bloggers in person. We have read them a lot, but haven’t seen face to face!…”

Keshav Koirala in Vashek’s Ramblings

Title: Bloggers & Jogis: They Are Alike
“Bloggers, enjoying all the paybacks of technology, and jogis, who apparently have renounced the worldiness and refused the physicalism–contrast. But they have one similarity, both are carefree. …”

Utshab Pokhrel in Afno Kura – The Stupid Feeling

“…the second meet of Bloggers also centered on promoting the Bloggers and the Blogging. There were some new faces as well as missing of some old faces who have met on the first meet. The discussion centered on the plans of future perspectives of blogging and holding the workshops, trainings to assist on the technical parts of blogging to the bloggers and to give ideas and general conceptions to the prospective bloggers. We also discussed about publishing a book about blogging, the short history of international blogging and the history of nepali blogging and about the nepali blogsphere. We also discussed on the matters of planning on the ideas of holding a conference probably on the beginning of 2008 and awarding best blogs in different segments…”

And, here is Anjesh‘s hope to attend (he didn’t, hopefully next month!)

“Don’t know what the discussion is about, maybe some experience sharing… Hope to attend tomorrow.”

A Dozen It Is!



A few new faces, but the second bloggers’ meet held at Freedom Forum today had the same number of participants – 12. And, the best part of it was every participant was seen enjoying the talks and tea!

Discussion centered on plans for future that included holding blogging workshops, publishing a book about blogging and then the dream of holding a big bloggers’ conference in 2008 and awarding best blogs. Continue reading…