Retrospecting BlogMeet at BloggerBhela

On November 4, twenty Nepali bloggers met at a hall of Capital FM in what was named a Blogger Bhela and organized as an introduction programs of Nepali bloggers in Kathmandu.

It was indeed a unique opportunity for me to get introduced to so many new bloggers; and even the gathering of the bloggers made me feel good. It was not only because it reminded me of four BlogMeet that was organized around 2007 with similar purpose but also because I believe that this meeting will lead to many other meetings and hopefully a few events about blogging.

Among those 20 bloggers, only three of us had attended BlogMeet in 2007 – me, Kamal Kumar and Bhoj Raj Dahal.

I received the invitation for the meeting in Facebook and immediately accepted it – thanks to Dilip Acharya, Basanta Gautam, Aakar, Jotare Dhaiba and Roopesh Shrestha for the initiation. I talked it with K P Dhungana of Hamroblog and we decided to attend it and see (he was also one of the men behind the BlogMeet but he could not attend the meeting this time due to traffic jam).

We wanted to ‘attend and see’ for he didn’t have good experience attending an online bloggers meet organized by where when he talked about BLOGAN (Bloggers Association of Nepal – an unregistered loose network of bloggers formed as an outcome of BlogMeet), there are harsh comments. (After Blogger Bhela, Bhoj Raj of NepalDiary told me the same thing, and also that he only attended for he saw a few names from old BlogMeet confirming the attendance).

Our decision behind attending this time was for two reasons: first and foremost, we always wanted bloggers to be united and our presence will be helpful; second, we wanted to share our experience with BlogMeet so that bloggers could move forward from where we left (due to various reasons).

The Blogger Bhela turned out to be a very fruitful one. I talked frankly about all those things and shared experience; Basanta Gautam gave a short overview of Nepali blogging scenario; Saurav Dhakal / Kamal Kumar and many other talked about way forward. There were talks about making blogs and blogging popular using mainstream media.

We all decided to meet again, more formally and in bigger number, on December 18.

Just before I invite all the bloggers and interested people to the Dec 18 meet (we all have to pay for our breakfast and lunch), I want to make clear a point that I also raised during the meeting: no matter what and how you write or how many people read your blog, if you write frequently (may be once a month or once every three months), we all are bloggers. Every blogger invited!

Let’s make Nepali blogoshpere vibrant!

Participants: 1. Aakar Anil (, 2. Alankar Aryal ( 3. Bhoj Raj Dahal (, 4. Surath Giri (, 5. Rupesh Shrestha (, 6. Ujjwal Acharya (, 7. Saurav Dhakal (, 8. Kamal Kumar (, 9. Dilip Acharya (, 10. Kailash Rai (, 11. Jotare Dhaiba (, 12. Sweta Baniya (, 13. Prabesh Poudel (, 14. Manoj K.C (, 15. Saroj Koirala (, 16. Basanta Gautam (, 17. Sujan Sharma (, 18. Pushpa Raj Acharya (, 19. Sabin Gyanwali ( & 20. Pradeep Bashyal (
