From April 5 to 24, we mark one of the greatest displays of people’s power. The Jana Andolan II or the April Uprising of 2006 was a landmark people’s movement that ended monarchy and Maoists’ People’s War establishing a more reformed democracy.
But more than that, it was a splendid example of what people of Nepal are capable of. Nobody counted, but estimated 500,000 people took on streets at the peak of the uprising – a huge number of those who are not otherwise interested in political activities.
I salute all those people for there bravery!
Photo from
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Mass is amazing. You never know what motivates them.
During April Uprising, they were motivated and it was their wishes with which political parties had not other options but to go along. People directed the course of movement and led it.
For me, it was two things that motivated them. First, it was a fight for democracy. Second, the success of the Uprising also meant the end of Maoist violence that killed 13,000 Nepalis.
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Who did not participate in the Uprising. I remember all women of Kaushaltar rallying – wow! that was truly an amazing thing to behold. It was the enthusiasm of people who participated in the movement that made it a success.
Police and Army had not other options. They could not have shot at thousands of people.
Photo from
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Off course, majority of the people have gone into the shadows now.
Political leaders are on the top and all those in shadows believe, no matter what media says, the leaders will transform the country into a peaceful democratic nation.
We await the future.
But if people had directed the course of history in April in 2006, they can do it in any month of any year! And when people arise, all power will have to surrender!