Do Nepali Blogs Suck?

My answer will be NO. But Deelip Khanal believes so and has added an entry. His main concern is that Nepali bloggers are biased.

Every time when i see the blogs the stories are in a long page but nothing exept the words shouting against the king . It seems the bloggger are also political leaders. Its true that almost nepali blogger journalist. But i dont think so journalist should favour anyone especial.

He also writes about Moblog and says since Mero Mobile has annouced GPRS, now its possible for Nepali to write blogs using mobile phones. I wonder how many will come up with moblog. Certainly, I won’t type words on my mobile.

The most intresting blog entry this week is about two covered statues of late King Birendra in Pokhara. The photo entry by Iswori Neupane on NepalBlogs says nobody visited those statues on the day of late King Birendra’s birth anniversary.

Parmanande Bhagat proposes a Republic Constitution. Deepak Adhikari recalls his relation with Sudheer Sharma, the editor of Nepal Weekly who just resigned, and wishes him good luck for coming days. Tajim compares his life in 2006 with 1996 and look for changes to come by 2016.

One more addition to Nepali Blogosphere, Deepak begins his new blog – Deepak’s Dashboard. He annouces his new initiative here:

Writing for me is both passion and profession. Of late, blog has become my favorite e-hanging out spot with like-minded people.

I wishes him best of luck for coming days and hope he will continue blogging to foster Nepali Blogosphere.

This is my attempt to summarize what Nepali bloggers are writing. I had planned to start this daily feature from Jan 1, 2006 but some unavoidable circumtances denied me that. Anyway, now onwards I will try to do it daily.
