Citizen Media: An Introduction

cit-media-thumb-5575982The Rising Voices, a project by Global VoicesDavid Sasaki, has released a wonderful, straightforward introduction to the subject we love – An Introduction to Citizen Media.

The booklet has an overview of blogs, blogging, podcasts and vblogging with case studies along with a few interesting quotations on media. It can be a good resource to understand these aspects of citizen media and blogs for the novice or wanna-to-be bloggers. Direct Download.

conferenceblogging_zg-3621206And, here is something that may be useful to the established bloggers – Tips for Conference Bloggers. Produced by Bruno Giussani and Ethan Zuckerman, this is an interesting reading describing how to blog during conferences and rewards of conference blogging. Direct Download.

In Nepal, I rarely see this as useful booklet because:

  • A lot of bloggers, including me, are still on planning phase to buy a laptop.
  • I am yet to attend a seminar in Nepal that provides internet facility.