SLC Nostalgia in Hi-Tech Era

The SLC results for this year is going to be published today. Results SLC or School Leaving Certificate examination or so-called Iron Gate is something that everybody in Nepal is interested in. For a few more days, everybody would be found talking about it.

SLC results traditionally used to be published in Gorkhapatra, the state-owned paper, and it wouldn’t be until late morning it would come out in the morning. I remember when my own SLC results was published, I rushed to Gorkhapatra Corporation early in the morning, paid Rs. 10 for the paper that would have normally cost half of that. We were four of us and all we passed in first division (there was not distinction then) and that was enough for our celebration.

In the heavy rainfall, we walked through roads for half an hour, and couldn’t gulp more than quarter cup of tea when an aunty of our friend offered us. We were so excited and decided to come back home in a taxi despite not having enough money for the fare. That was probably the first time we took a taxi despite being healthy.

And I also remember another incident when I went there for a result. I was a teacher then and wanted to see how the students did. It was not until 11 that it came out. From the morning, there was huge crowd and the policemen were forced to use their latthis. I got my new umbrella hit by one of them and had to throw it away.

Now, everything has changed. The SLC results wouldn’t only be published in Gorkhapatra but also on various internet sites, and it could also be obtained through automated phone service. This year’s addition is SMS service – in both Mero Mobile and NTC mobile.

It was published in at least four sites –,, and and within a few minutes of that at least half-a-dozen other sites will copy the results to them.

It has been a lot easier than it used to be but in the same way, the excitement is lost. You won’t find students happily walking in heavy rain or those waiting eagerly outside the Gorkhapatra Corporation. All, because the results will be one click away.

Wow! Technology!
