Photos: Getting More Into Blogs

A photo = 1000 words! It’s a phrase popular in journalism. And, now it is increasingly being taken into accounts by Nepali bloggers who have been posting photos regularly. In fact, many of the Nepali blogs feature photo-features

Maoists rebels attacked Palpa on Jan 31 night and the photos of devasted district headquarters have been uploaded in United We Blog! There are 11 exclusive photos.

Since February 1 marked the anniversary of the Royal Proclamation in Nepal, the advocates of the democracy called it a black day and organized rallies and protests. Photos of such events were used by many blogs.

United We Blog! has a photo feature from Belguim where Nepali staged a rally while DFN has one from New York and NepalInfo has some from Australia. BloggerNepal has two under the title – Govt. fury on journalists and MeroSansar has a video of the event in Kathmandu.

Among text-blogs (!), Suman Pradhan analyzes a year of ruling by the King:

The march of time will only alienate the Palace more from the public, as we have seen. Last year, it was easier to say that the people were disenchanted with the political parties. Otherwise they would have come out in support for their protests. That disenchantment may still linger, but it is now becoming clearer that the people hate the ruling clique even more than they hate the parties.

Deepak Adhikari has a memoir of Feb 1, 2005 (a year ago) in the NepaliBlog which is quite an interesting reading.
