The Nepali Irony: Living in Darkness

Nepal is the second richest country in the world (after Brazil) yet we are forced to spent a few hours everyday under darkness. Anbika Giri, in UWB!, writes about loadshedding in the town.

Nepal is second richest country in water resource in the world. Sounds good but reality? We are facing load shedding, we have no drinking water, and we should have to depend on sky raining for our croups. We are rich?

Deelip talks about a story in the religious ceremony that he heard and ask if the moutains are made up of somebody’s bone. The story of Swasthani, read daily for a month of Magh (current under Nepali calendar), has it. Deelip feels its ridiculous.

Lord Bishnu put them [two demons] on trap [by asking a promise] and said,” So i wanna kill you guys, You guys have did swear remember”.
They finally agree with him and bishnu killed them. then their blood made oceans , their bones made himalaya , their muscles made land . Then their was made a environment for living beings. Then Lord Bramha started to produce living beings.

Deepak gets lucky as a journalist because his medical fees for the checking of his knee pain has been waived for his story about doctors. Sounds great!

He said: “Don’t charge him, he’s our great friend.” I blushed in his compliment.

Among Nepali language blogs, NepalBlogs has an entry written by journalist Harihar Singh Rathore about Internal Security in Conflict Journalism. He enlists a few website useful for journalists working on conflict area and says that both the state and rebels have started avoiding fair local journalists.

Umesh has a video Prachanda, the rebel leader talking on an Indian channel. Chij had videos and news gathered about the New Buddha. I myself wrote about the Buddha Boy after visiting his place a few weeks ago. BloggerNepal writes about mismanagement in the National Football League in the country.
