Celebrating Democracy Day!

This morning I woke up earlier than usual to celebrate the Democracy Day. I had a sheet of paper with the plans for the day, but unfortunately not all of them could be done. The first was to put a Democracy Day Message on my site, www.NepalCricket.com, which I couldn’t do as there were on phone lines. Morning shows the day, I very much believe in this, and when the first item on the list could not be done, then how can others be?

My celebration list included:

a. Putting a message on my site
b. Blogging about the day on this site
c. Calling a few friends to share the celebration
d. Reading what democracy actually is (I am confused a little at present)
e. Chanting ‘Long Live Democracy’

I missed the first. So I thought, I will start from the last. I chanted long live democracy. My wife came down from kitchen to ask me whom I am praying for long life. I said ‘to democracy’. My wife said ‘then why didn’t you say democracy’.

‘Com’n yaar, I said it.’

(Well, later we solved the puzzle. I said all but the word democracy wasn’t heard because there was 21-cannon-salute at Tundhikhel just after the rise of sun – whom we call God.)

Second, I grabbed a book – Politics of Palgrave Foundations and read a long chapter withs sincere attention. The thing I could not understand by reading the whole chapter (16-page long) was written at the end of the chapter in one line: democracy is the power of the people as a mass to create, amend or dismiss the rule that govern them.

I never liked a word power – because when I was child everyone said me there is no power in our village so I can’t read at night. Being a student of mass communication, I understand that mass is unpredictable. About rules, I always disliked them when I was in school because I was the most punished one for not submitting homeworks and at college I liked them because I never knew what the rules are.

So, all these things made me confused, thus moved to next step without further confusing myself in an attempt to understand democracy. I met a lot of friends on my way to office and wished them happy democracy day.

At office, to my surprise, internet was running because of radio modem so I am blogging for the democracy day. And after completing this, I will put the message on my site.

Fictions aside, by the heart I like to reiterate Long Live Democracy
