The Mobile-Less Life

Many may think the living with out a cellular phone is really, really hard as I used to think. But I was wrong; I am finding it really easy given that nobody else has it. I certainly missed the SMSes; otherwise I am perfect without a mobile.

Reasons I loved the life-without mobile

1. Now I have started wearing a wristwatch – something I had thrown into a cupboard after buying a mobile. The wristwatch I wear was given to me on my marriage as a present so it always reminds me of my wife and whenever I look at it after the sunsets, at a corner of my heart, I feel like my wife is waiting me. (Isn’t that a good two days before the Valentine’s Day).

2. The biggest relief for me is about the charge. It used to cost me around Rs. 500 each month and most of my phone were either from my office (whisper: I get nothing for my mobile from my office) or from the friends with no real need to call me.

3. I always had to remember to carry my mobile along and if I forgot somehow, I always felt like I am missing the biggest news of the day. And the need to charge it everyday – I wonder how I managed with it.

4. If I want to be in solitude, no one can really disturb me now. (I could have turned off the mobile, but same big news problem!)

Well, for that one reason, I love this State of Emergency in the country (I wonder which of the suspended rights deals with the cellular?)
