Well, the title is here because these days I am studying a little of mass communication (journalism) theories for my masters’ examination. I find is amazing that I am a part of the complex process that is too difficult to understand (the red-hot question: how I am going to pass the exam if I even find it difficult to understand?)
Let’s study Joseph Klapper – “Mass Media doesn’t ordinarially serves as the necessary and sufficient cause for audience effects, but rather funtions as a nexus of mediating factors.”
I had never thought what effects would my news bring before or after writing that (apart from thinking about someone’s praise and someone’s anger). And I never thought I am doing something for ‘a social change’.
It would have been a great fun reading such texts about journalism (but given that there would be no examination). But I can’t find it interesting. I am at home for study, yet writing this blog out of nothing (actually I couldn’t find any subject to write on so I writing this nonsense.)
If you are reading this, I am very sorry.